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A New Beginning

Wow, so much has happened in this last year!

I really enjoyed the irony of my last post which was about kickstarting a new writing process - that quickly fell by the wayside and resulted in a whopping 0 posts for the rest of the year. Yeah - that worked!

So in terms of writing I’m starting chastened but still (perhaps ever) hopeful.

What has or is changed?

  • New inspiration - seeing something done well makes it easier. I’ve been really inspired by Seth Godin’s writing and talks and his blog which seems very elegant in it’s readability, simplicity and focus on the audience so I’ve modelled my blog layout on his (thank you Seth).
  • A new simpler design - more focused on reading and connecting (through the email newsletter) - and the delightful satisfaction of code and design as craft. In a fit of curiosity/interest/control-freakishness I decided to rebuild the template for this site by hand. This helped me to learn a lot more about how the static site generator (Jekyll) works and so made it much easier to customize. In the past I would have used Bootstrap to help kick-start any project that would involve CSS but I’d been hearing more and more about TailwindCSS and I really like their approach of reducing unnecessary abstraction.
  • And a large dose of self compassion, so when one of my posts has fallen flat, I can help myself up, dust off and try again to be brave enough to write and to share.

So thanks for reading, and thanks for joining me on this journey, and let me know about your blog and newsletter :-)

Jan 24, 2022   Writing
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